I am a writer … I am a doctor … and I own a dressage store.
Okay, so none of those are really me… I just married into that name.
I don’t think any one on this Earth knows the real me. My husband knows me the best, but insists I hate ham (even though I don’t) so his knowledge of me is a bit incomplete.
Do I even know the real me? I don’t think so.
About 6 years and some months ago, I went to the hospital to have a baby. I was tough and could handle pain. My threshold was high, I tell you! I didn’t need those stinking drugs that the wussies use. At one centimeter, I begged, no BEGGED, Dr. A for drugs and almost killed my husband for merely suggesting I breathe. Guess I didn’t know me.
Most of my young adult like I could be found making definitive statements like these:
I am moving out of this state!
When I am having children, I am never ever going to do / say / let them have that (insert whatever here)!
(Oh, and did I ever!)
I would never do that (insert whatever here)!
(Yep, did that too.)
I will NEVER listen to country music!
(Tim McGraw – need I say more? Siggghhhhh….)
So, it seems that everyone around us knows pieces of us and we ourselves know pieces of us. But until we are faced with it, whatever it may be, can we be 100% sure. I now know I can’t. So how well do I know myself? I don’t have an answer. But, I will pray that the good Lord give me guidance and wisdom when faced with "it".
Now, because I do know that I am curious and completely nosy, have you googled yourself? Who are you?