Pay attention now, there is a giveaway at the end :-)
I have a wee bit of a confession to make. I love to read. There. I said it out loud and it's true. I have been known to curl up in a corner and read for hours, only surfacing for sustenance or because my children have finally penetrated whatever fantasy world I am in at the time. Unfortunately, I typically run out of things to read. I end up wandering aimlessly, looking at covers, hoping the story inside is worth ignoring my children.
Then I found
A Musing Mother who shares my love of books. We've connected on
and then I found out she has a book review blog called
A Musing Reviews. Not only does she write the most amazing reviews but she
gives away copies of books! Oh, sweet nirvana!
So far, I have loved all her reviews! With very few exceptions, I have added the books she's reviewed to my "to read" list.
Because the publishers who give her the books to review like lots of people to enter to win the books, she is looking to increase her followers.
So, I would like you, my loyal readers and friends, to head on over and follow her blog. And
because I am not above bribery to sweeten the deal, I have a present for one lucky duck!
I have been reading "Life's Alphabet Soup" by
Terri Ferran. Not only do I adore the cover*, I am thoroughly enjoying reading her stories. These twenty-six chapters all start with a witty, Dr. Seuss style poem that has me cracking up! And her stories! I find myself laughing and nodding my head. And the book itself is the perfect size to toss in your purse (to read in the waiting room or at the swim meet).
(Sorry! I stink at reviews. Just take my word for it. It's great!!) Do you want to win a copy? Here is what you need to do!
Become either a follower or subscriber to
A Musing ReviewsCome back here and leave a comment - including your email.
Yes - it is that easy!!
The contest is open until June 10th. On June 11th, I will have random.Dave (my husband) pick a number out of my new gardening hat and will notify the winner! And there will be much rejoicing!!
Feel free to tweet, blog or shout from the hilltops about this giveaway. It will earn you my undying love and devotion!!
Disclosure: I have not been compensated in any way for either directing you to A Musing Reviews or for my review of "Life's Alphabet Soup". These are my very own thoughts and opinions.
*Book covers are very important to me. Far too often, I will not pick up a book if I don't like its cover. I can't help it!