I grabbed the camera, taking pictures of their promising sweetness. I thought of the brilliant post I would write, welcoming the signs of Spring in all it's glorious rebirth! It would be amazing, award-winning! I would submit it to a future Write-Away Contest.
Then, on Sunday, March 1st, this:
I did not post my most brilliant post ever! I will never submit it for praise and awards. Sigh ...
But today!! Today, it is 60 degrees and sunny and I am hopeful again. Spring will come. So, bring it on, Mother Nature! Your snowstorm days are numbered and I am not afraid of you. So there!
Now if you will excuse me, I will be in the basement, hiding from any errant tornadoes that find their way to central Massachusetts.
p.s. those are st. patrick's day lights you see hanging off the tree. yes, my beloved likes to decorate for all holidays, not just Christmas. we are those people. and mother nature had the audacity to knock them off his tree. oh, he was not happy. no, he was not.
Little pieces of green make me so happy this time of year--I wish I could grow snowdrops.
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And it's snowing now. Boo.
Remember the blizzard we had a few years ago on St. Patrick Day?
Me niether.
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