Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Yes you can!

One day a son asks his father:
"Daddy, will you run the marathon with me?"
The father answers yes and both run their first marathon together.

One day, the son asks his father if he wants to run the marathon
with him again and the father answers yes.
They both run the marathon together again.

Then one day the son asks his father:
"Daddy, will you run the Ironman with me?" (the Ironman is the
toughest...it requires a 4km swim, 180km biking and 42km running).
The father says yes again.

To find out more about Team Hoyt, click here.

(I apologize if everyone's already seen this and I am the last one, but heck, watch it again...post it note tuesday coming soon)


Mae Rae said...

Oh my, even though I knew the story I still BAWLED. Thanks for the "good" cry.

mCat said...

I love it, love it, love it!

Great post!