Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ahh the randomness of P-I-N Tuesday!


Kristina P. said...

Haha! Did you get my email response? I'm sorry. SOmetimes, I just don't have the energy for comments.

I will let you praise me all you want on Monday.

SparkleFarkel said...

Send your portion of winter my way. It's my most favorite season!

Mae Rae said...

I can honestly tell you that I have never checked or have wanted to check my counts. I think that maybe in this world there are two adults and 2 children that I know that might even know what those are!

mCat said...

Love sticky notes.....obvio, I am days late....
Happy New Year!

Chief said...

hey.. you know I got stampin up right down the street dontcha! Are ya jealous!

Lee-Ann said...

82 days till spring?! So so long!

Captain Dumbass said...

I think my midi-chlorian levels fluctuate.

Melissa said...

And now I'm wondering about my midi-chlorian counts! :)