There I was. Going to Miami. Flip Flops! Needed pedicure. Not much time. Left church, took off tights, threw on glittery blue flip flops and huge flannel coat. Went to nail salon in WalMart.
Got pedicure. Proceeded to walk through WalMart.
My husband behind me hears two younger gentlemen say, “Look at that chick. It’s way too cold for flip flops.”
Me – They called me a chick! Hurray! Oh wait. They were making fun of me. I evaluated my outfit. Dressy clothes, flip flops, flannel coat two sizes two big. I could actually appear on!!!!!!
But, don’t my toes look nice? As seen here in Miami Beach sand.

Sorry, I was going for creative. How'd I do?
i am scared to ask, which of those people were supposed to be you.
Sand, pedicure, what more does one need?
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