Friday, January 22, 2010

What I really wanted to say...

But for once, managed to keep my mouth shut was ...

Play along. It's a chance to get that out of your system without whacking anyone. Chief is the way cool creator and host so play along. If you can't play along because your fingers are broken and you are surfing your google reader with your nose, at least check out her funny blog! Here.

Anyway, here is what I would have said if I had the nerve and/or cajones or actually thought of it at the time ...

What I said:
Scott Brown won the Senate seat? Hurray.

What I meant to say:
Hurray! Yahoo. Way to go, Massachusetts!! Happy, happy, happy! Happy, happy, happy! BRING ON THE CONFETTI!

What I said:
No, I don’t want a taxi.

What I meant to say:
Are you freaking kidding me? My feet are about to explode into one big blister and you think I want to walk another 20 blocks to eat dinner? Oh, I am going to kill you. You know that, right? Did I mention it’s my 40th birthday?? Can you see the flip flops I am wearing?? And I had a pedicure yesterday. The baby skin can’t take it. And now I am going to limp through Miami like an idiot. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your privates!! Oh, you know who you are…

What I said:
I love you.

What I meant to day:
Honey, I love you more and more every day. You are one of my top three favorite things God has blessed me with. I hope someday I am worthy of this love and happiness you give me every day! I can’t wait to see you in a couple days.

What I said:

What I meant to say:
(Censored to protect the innocent. But it may appear on Blerapy soon!)

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