BUT FIRST!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I LEFT THESE TWO OUT! I am not sure what happened. I must have been all a flutter with those smoochie pictures that I forgot these two in my favorite romantic couple list. SHEESH. Fortay is catching up with me.
Oh yeah, these two:
~ Aragorn and Arwen ~

I mean, seriously, LoTR is my favoritest movie (series) of all time (followed closely by Star Wars IV, V and VI...) ... my preciousssss... but I digress. You are here for:

At my office, it is a well known fact that I HATE HATE HATE snow. I will avoid driving in it if at all possible. I can work from home, so if the weather is threatening, this is what I do. Because of this, starting with the first flurry of the season, I get the jokes. The sarcastic I didn't think you would come in comments. Yeah, it's funny the first time. Even the second. But by the end of February, I am pretty much done with it. So today, after I watched the children who had no school today while my husband went to the doctors, I went to work.
What Antonio* said: What are you doing here? I thought you were going to stay home because of the snow cause you are blah blah blah scared blah blah wimp blah blah something or other...
What I said: [insert look here]
What I SHOULD have said:
*$@% *(@*, @#%($&%#$!
HEY! Chief, you were right! I do feel better now. If you want to get some things said, albeit a little late, link up over at Chief's blog and read what others had wished they said.
And if I said it, I am sure I would have looked like this:

Elena drew that picture for me in church on Sunday. I don't think it's a portrait of me, but then again, sometimes, it might just be.
So what should you have said this Wednesday?
Venia quod pacis,
*Name changed to protect the innocent or not-so-innocent or just me. I do not nor have I ever known an Antonio. For the record.
That picture just made me LOL and I totally needed that.
I hate snow too. I think part of why I became a teacher is that we have snow days if there is too much.
The picture is a hoot. What exactly is that red thing in the general vicinity of your chawch?
I think this week should be Labeled "Co-Worker Suck weeK" Love the post!
That's almost as good as the picture I drew of myself.
good post! I will now spend the day tomorrow sayig my precioussss in a uber creepy voice, and I will be greatly amused by it! tehetehe
LOL I love the picture. Maybe you were mad...real mad.
Haha that picture is too funny!!!! I hate snow too... we dont get it EVER and when we do ppl are all excited... me? not so much! lol
I am so impressed that she drew a picture of me so well!
LOL great picture!
te he he, 4 arms and 6 legs. Boy girl, do you get around.
Check out my blog for an award for you!
I love the flaming belly button. At least I hope that's a belly button.
LMAO! It reminds me of a time I caught my MOTHER doodling a picture of Mr. T during church. (On her Bible bookmark, no less.) I pity the fool who don't keep the Sabbath holy!
Gotta love the 'esprit d'escalier' (staircase wit). But why do we only think of what we *should* have said too late?!
I guess that's why my stepdaughter keeps a ready and steady retort for everything: 'your face!' Maybe she's on to something.
thanks for visiting my blog. showing a little love here.
Loco YaYa
For me, it's what I should have said Tuesday when someone agreed all too readily that I was looking fat.
What I said: [blank stare]
What I should have said: "##@&#$&@@!!!"
I feel much better now.
I was laughing so hard when I saw that picture. Its perfect.
I hate the snow too. I can't wait til its Spring and no snow.
HEL YA! (<-- Our new blog comment salutation! LOL!) GOOD GRIEF, Elena's picture! I'm wearing my hair that same way, today (Just came back from a mammogram-- would have rather it had been a Candygram...), with the addition of a smitch of grey, that is. LOL!
Oooo I just love Liv Tyler, there is just something about her. lol you crack me up!
Awesome. LOL that picture is hilarious.
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