Instead, I have been spending all my time with my new BFF ...
We recently celebrated our 10th anniversary of wedded bliss (bliss, I tell ya, BLISS, dang it...). I gifted my husband with an overnight at his favorite playground (Foxwoods Casino) and he gifted me with the Nook.
Indeed, it was risky, since I wasn't sure I would love it. But anyone who owned one would not let me use theirs for long periods of time, so I took the plunge, the leap and I am enamored.
I chose the Nook because if your library has the service, you can "borrow" ebooks from them. Otherwise, I think the Kindle and the Nook are comparative. The Kindle has been around longer and seems more sleek and they have stomped on all the bugs, but I have had no issues with my Nook. The Nook does have what is called LendMe, where you can lend your ebooks to other Nook users. But the fine print is that you can lend a book one time and one time only for fourteen days. Kinda hokey, but I understand why they did it.
So, while I should be crafting crafting crafting, I have been reading reading reading. It's all Nooky love here!!
I've always wondered about these electronics. Seems like they would cause headaches or something from staring at them so long.
So far, no headaches. It's different technology than a computer screen. I read a book on my computer once and it did give me a headache, but so far so good!
I wanted to get my mom a Kindle b/c she reads constantly, and have never heard of the Nook...Thanks for posting this - it might be a better deal if she can "borrow books."
I am so glad to hear you like the Nook. I have been putting off making the purchase because I heard there were bugs, blah blah blah, and I didn't know if I should go with the kindle instead because of that. But, it is the nook that really calls to me! I like the sharing factor too, plus the color covers (cause I love Book cover art!)
So cool!! I would love one of those!
Congrats on your anniversary and yay! for your gift. Have fun
Congrats on the new Nook! I love my Kindle! I am reading a "real" book right now but I love how easy it is to read all the time with my Kindle and the best is when I can get it to read to me in the car!
You have a Nook, I have a Sony Ebook, isn't it amazin' father and daughter with something in common.
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Your blog is really informative, I will be hanging around for awhile digging into archives.
This is Way cool. It's just like Star Trek.
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