Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What I meant to say ...

It's Wednesday - and that means it's time to get all that stuff out of you... oh, you know... the things you SHOULD have said, but DIDN'T and have been torturing yourself about all week... yeah, those things. Chief is hosting this weekly event, so after you leave me a comment (and validate my existence) click on Chief's button here and play along. It's fun... It's releasing... It's what I meant to say...

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, I had an appointment with a new ObGyn. I went to this practice because I needed a new one and this was the one my sister went to.

When checking in, I said that my sister had her kids with one of the doctors in the practice. The nurse turned to me and said "Goats have kids, women have children."

What I said: *crickets chirping*

What I meant to say: Listen, you arrogant b*tch, thank you for the etymology lesson, but a) I am not a child, b) what gives you the right to talk down to me like I am some piece of crap that blew in off the street and c) go take a long walk off a short pier.


JennyMac said...

WOW..she said that? You did well to bite your tongue. Customer service apparently not part of her job. LOL.

Melissa said...

What? What a wench, I can't believe she said that to you, it was quite rude.

Even Wikipedia will tell you that "kid" can refer to human children! lol

The adventure of a redneck mommy. said...

i would have said .. NOT this old goat.... bitch..

Mae Rae said...

I would like to believe that is what you meant to say, but I don't. I don't think you would even have it in you to say that out loud. Maybe in your head but not out loud.

mCat said...

I like what Mommie Strain said....

What a dumbass lady

Kellie said...

I know that office lady. Everyone secretly hates her. Especially those that have to live with her.

Dave said...

Your sister had four C-sections. And you went to this quack?

CountessLaurie said...

Just the one time. I went to a different Ob to have my two c-sections!

Unknown said...

Love this meme!

Mama Sammi said...

OMG thats all I got!! Loved the not this old goat comment, that's what I probably would have said, cuz I'm not to shy. WHich is probably why its hard for me to do chiefs every wednesday LOL maybe I should take lessons in biting my toungue more.... NAHHHH no fun that way LOL :)

Screen Door Prep said...

Seriously. I wonder if she feels a need to make that distinction every time she hears somebody refer to human "kids." & how many times a day she'd have to do it!

Lee-Ann said...

OMG that is awful. I love how you just couldn't say anything I would have been the same way. LOL

SeriousMom said...

I always wonder why people who have no inclination to serve customers work in customer service positions.

Kellie said...

Hey Laurie- I have something for you on my blog:)