A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, I had an appointment with a new ObGyn. I went to this practice because I needed a new one and this was the one my sister went to.
When checking in, I said that my sister had her kids with one of the doctors in the practice. The nurse turned to me and said "Goats have kids, women have children."
What I said: *crickets chirping*
What I meant to say: Listen, you arrogant b*tch, thank you for the etymology lesson, but a) I am not a child, b) what gives you the right to talk down to me like I am some piece of crap that blew in off the street and c) go take a long walk off a short pier.
WOW..she said that? You did well to bite your tongue. Customer service apparently not part of her job. LOL.
What? What a wench, I can't believe she said that to you, it was quite rude.
Even Wikipedia will tell you that "kid" can refer to human children! lol
i would have said .. NOT this old goat.... bitch..
I would like to believe that is what you meant to say, but I don't. I don't think you would even have it in you to say that out loud. Maybe in your head but not out loud.
I like what Mommie Strain said....
What a dumbass lady
I know that office lady. Everyone secretly hates her. Especially those that have to live with her.
Your sister had four C-sections. And you went to this quack?
Just the one time. I went to a different Ob to have my two c-sections!
Love this meme!
OMG thats all I got!! Loved the not this old goat comment, that's what I probably would have said, cuz I'm not to shy. WHich is probably why its hard for me to do chiefs every wednesday LOL maybe I should take lessons in biting my toungue more.... NAHHHH no fun that way LOL :)
Seriously. I wonder if she feels a need to make that distinction every time she hears somebody refer to human "kids." & how many times a day she'd have to do it!
OMG that is awful. I love how you just couldn't say anything I would have been the same way. LOL
I always wonder why people who have no inclination to serve customers work in customer service positions.
Hey Laurie- I have something for you on my blog:)
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