Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Laurieville's new digs

As you can see in this picture, the home we used to own (in the background) was simply just too small for our family of four. So we upgraded. The only downside is the neighbors are pretty close on the right...

Oh well.

Look, a countess has to dream, right??


Kristina P. said...

I like your subtlety.

mCat said...

Okay, where is this and how can I get there? LOVE IT!

MrsMama said...


My sister got to visit that castle a few years ago, when she was in Europe. Can you imagine living there?!

Mae Rae said...

hey doesn't look like your tree in the front yard. There are no lights. I have a little something over at my blog.

Lee-Ann said...

Oh I wish!

Oka said...

I've been to that castle and come you never finished the interior of the castle??? LOL

Saw you at Chief's tonight and I got nosy about my competition

Mama Sammi said...

Oh you are too much!!! As long as I can visit then I'm ok with ya living that far away!! LOL

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

oh cool, i see u bought our previous home.

Pam said...

I love it. Gorgeous. What an awesome place to live or dream of living.

Judy said...

Dreaming is good! And thanks for visiting me over at My Front Porch.

Chief said...

I want you to know this is the only blog post I have visited in 6 weeks

you are welcome!

ex oh ex oh