Thursday, April 14, 2011

Not so sneaky, after all...

So, I am the cool one, right? I buy a domain name, hurray, through I link my blogger to it. Yay! I don't happen to mention to my husband that I spent nineteen american dollars because we are being fiscally conservative. But hey, I throw away nineteen american dollars at Wal-Mart on crap, so I thought, what the hey?

It's not that I was lying, per se... just omitting certain details about what I did that day.

So the time comes that I am going to 'fess up to my crazy spending spree of nineteen american dollars. So, I ask him if he's been to my blog lately? Did he notice anything new?

He says, "Oh yeah. GoDaddy called. They wanted to congratulate you on your new domain name."

Dang it!!


Unknown said...

See I have been wanting to go to a domain but afraid nothing will look like it does now.. choices choices

Anonymous said...

Once I went somewhere for lunch and didn't tell my husband and then he looked at the online banking and said, "So, what did you buy at the mall?". *grumble grumble*

Kellie said...

Don't you just hate that? Why do husbands always notice the thing you DON'T want them to, instead of how cute our hair looks?
Congrats on the domain name, though. If it makes you happy, it was an investment.

mCat said...

LOL - I buy things and hide them in the closet for awhile. When I finally wear it, and IF Splenda Daddy notices, I ALWAYS say, "This? Oh I've had this since the 4th grade"

Kind of our code for our own "don't ask don't tell" policy

MrsMama said...

It's such a great name though. And a good name is priceless!

Lifeofkaylen said...

Congrats on the domain name. I've been thinking about doing it for at least three years, but I keep thinking how it's just too much money....I can't possibly splurge on something so frivulous, right? That would mean giving up my $7 mocha Mondays twice a month! :)

Sandra said...

I think you made a great point about the crap we buy at Walmart for far more than $19 American dollars! Enjoy!

Lisa said...

Lol! You just thought you were being sneaky!!